Webinar GreenScreen

Date de l'événement: 

An ECHA webinar will be held on 28 October 2019 to present the GreenScreen substitution support tool based on examples from companies and authorities which have implemented the tool. A question-and-answer session will be proposed at the end of the session.

GreenScreen is a method for comparing potential substitutes by assessing the hazards inherent in these alternatives to identify those that are preferable from a health, safety and environmental perspective.

For additional information: https://echa.europa.eu/fr/-/greenscreen-an-effective-tool-and-methodology-to-compare-chemical-hazards-and-identify-safer-alternatives?_cldee=Y3ludGhpYS5kZW5pemVAaW5lcmlzLmZy&recipientid=lead-9b2f67e97bace911810f005056b9310e-6fe586217a4f444ca18dfe48db755487&esid=51826de2-65df-e911-8113-005056b9310e